Unfortunately, nearly 800,000 people in the United States suffer a stroke every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 140,000 of those victims die.
For the majority of those who survive a stroke, a variety of physical, emotional, and mental challenges await on the road to recovery.
The experienced rehab team at Bronx Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing deals with people recovering from strokes on a daily basis. We would like to share four types of therapy that help stroke victims recover and, many times, return home to lead a semblance of their normal life.

Physical Therapy
Very often, strokes weaken or paralyzed limbs. Physical therapy – exercises, the use of braces, and other technology to help regain movement and strength – begins nearly right away. That’s because most physical recovery from a stroke takes place within the first few weeks after the event, and improvements often continue for up to four months.

Occupational Therapy
The loss of physical movements can affect the ability of the stroke victim to perform once-routine tasks like eating and bathing. Occupational therapy helps patients work on restoring those physical functions as well as the introduction of assistive devices for ADL (activities of daily living) to help stroke survivors regain as much independence as possible.

Speech Therapy
Around one-third of stroke survivors end up having difficulty with speech, which is a condition known as aphasia. Speech therapists work on helping victims regain speech (which normally occurs within two to three months after the stroke) or learn different ways to communicate, including sign language, electronic devices, and symbol boards.

Emotional Therapy
Besides having to deal with the impacts of potential physical and speech issues, emotional or personality changes like forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety, and anger are common in stroke victims, along with moderate to extreme fatigue. Emotional support therapists and groups help victims and family members cope with these changes and manage them the best they can.

To learn more about Bronx for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://bronx-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/.